Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tau Rematch with a twist

First off quick recap of my rematch against tau on 12-1-12. I was going to do a battle report for the match but was suprised by my friend john's return to the hobby instead of doing are usually 1200 match. We agreed on doing a 1700 point match with me and john playing space wolves versus Jim and his tau. Jim just added 500 points to list original 1200 point list and I used my drop pod list below with John's 500 point force added on.

 HQ    220
Wolf lord 
-Runic armour
-1x wolf claw
-belt of russ/W.T.N
-Saga of warrior born

Elites   210
Venerable Dreadnought
-Plasma Cannon
dop pod

TROOPS    770
Grey hunters
10 men
-2 plasma guns
Drop pod

Grey hunters
10 men
-2 plasma guns
Drop pod

Grey hunters
10 men
-2 melta guns
Drop pod

Grey hunters
9 men
-1 melta guns
-mark of the wulfen
Drop pod

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a copy of Jim or John's list due to multiple interuptions(me and john having to step out and pick someone up) the game took longer then expected. The drop pod list I used worked great against Jim, the mission we played was Big guns never tire and deployment was Vanguard strike. I rolled tenacity on the personal warlord trait and I think Jim rolled Master of ambush for his. We had 4 objectives represented by 40mm bases with pewter ammo cases/ruck sacks glued on, 2 in each of our deployment zone. Jim put his in the open ground while john stuck one of ours inbetween a forest and building near the trench and the other inbetween 2 buildings.

I was nervous at first because the only stuff deployed on our side of the board was john's 500 point army and didn't want them to get shot off the board first turn by Jim's gunline. I won the roll for first turn and opted to go second. John hid his stuff behind the trench. Here are some pictures of the table set up and 1st turn.

*In the photos you will notice 2 patherfinder units with rail rifles deployed without a devil fish but that is because Jim hasn't found them let from his recent move and the rhinos laying on there sides are proxied as drop pods.

Table set up and Tau turn 1

Space wolves Turn 1
John manages to survive the first round of shooting only losing 4 sniper scouts and 5 man grey hunter sqaud(damn markerlights).  My first 3 drop pods containing 2 melta grey hunter squads my wolf lord and venerable dreadnaught Dropped next to Jim's objective near the 3 floor ruined building unloading rapid fire bolter, melta and plasma cannon shots in the 3 fire warrior squads closest to the objective. My last 2 pods came in on turn 2, first pod dropped next to the objective near the kroot in the forest and last pod dropped behind the building next to the objective inbetween the two buildings. I was a fun game tho space wolves managed to win 2-0 objectives Jim put up a hard fight killing 3 drop pods, grey hunter squad with the wolf lord and venerable dreadnought.

Even with power armour, feel no pain via tenacity was no match for buckets of dice worth of shots Jim was pouring in the unit. The wolf lord died to impact hits from Commander/bodygaurd and steath suit team while in assualt with a unit of fire warriors. John's 5 man grey hunter squad with WGBL held the objective closest to our board edge while the 2 plasma equiped grey hunter squads pushed forward to the objective between the building forcing the pathfinders out of our deployment zone. Surviving 5 man melta grey hunter squad and johns wolf scouts killed off the kroot hiding in the ruins near Jim's board edge and assualted the unit of broadsides on Jim's objective contesting it.

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